By supporting the TSO, you assist us to make a lasting impact in the communities we serve, extending our reach into schools and regional communities and inspiring the next generation of classical musicians. Your support ensures that the TSO can keep classical music alive, and inspire musicians and audience members alike for generations to come. We would be delighted to welcome you as a TSO Patron and join our diverse range of donors who are also passionate about music.
Pledge your support of the music you love by donating to one of the following areas detailed
below – Orchestra, Schools & Artistic Training, or Community.
Play a key part in the TSO’s artistic vision for the future.
Whether the TSO are performing live or streaming online, we enjoy a reputation well beyond the shores of our island state and attract world-class musicians, guest artists and conductors to perform alongside our talented orchestra.
We have a strong reputation for championing new Australian works and pride ourselves on our diverse collaborations with both local and interstate artists.
Our 90-strong TSO Chorus is internationally renowned for its large choral works and has collaborated with iconic institutions including Sydney Symphony Orchestra and Hong Kong Philharmonic. Closer to home, the TSO Chorus maintain their local identity through partnering with local festivals and regional touring in Tasmania.
Inspire a life-long love of music learning.
Passionate about introducing the joy of music to everyone, the TSO offers a comprehensive education program to music lovers of all ages.
Whenever possible, the TSO takes musicians and ensembles to schools and community venues, and schools come to the TSO to experience tailor-made education concerts and attend orchestra rehearsals.
To complement these performances, we offer a range of online resources for schools and anyone wishing to learn.
The TSO is passionate about nurturing the next generation of composers and conductors with intensive training programs such as the Australian Composers’ School, Australian Conducting Academy and Louise Crossley Conducting Workshop, which provides a unique opportunity for them to work alongside a symphonic orchestra and to build an important toolkit to strengthen their future career.
The TSO Rising Star Competition provides an exciting opportunity for students studying classical instruments or vocalists. Eligible Tasmanian students audition for the opportunity to perform as a soloist with the Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra in a concert event.
Make an impact in your Community.
Ensure we connect all Tasmanians with a love of music.
Our TSO To You program enables Tasmanians from all corners of the state an opportunity to experience the TSO. This is done through pop-up performances at community halls and aged care facilities, as well as workshops by our Community Ambassador Musicians and Live Screening events of our Federation Concert Hall performances.
Our Community Rehearsal is always a popular event on the TSO Calendar where TSO musicians rehearse side-by-side with community members from around the state.
TSO's Growing Pain in the Arts is a skills development program for Tasmania’s small to medium creative sector. This workshop series provides a wonderful opportunity to develop knowledge and experience in a variety of critical areas, which in turn collectively strengthens the creative spirit in Tasmania.
"As a non-musician I love the opportunity to have a friendship with one of our world class musicians, and to learn and understand their life in music."
As a Chair Patron you have the special opportunity to develop a wonderful relationship with your chosen musician, to learn about their artistry, and get a behind-the-scenes glimpse of what it’s like to be a professional musician in an orchestra. You will join a diverse community of patrons who share your passion and love for the music, and musicians, of the TSO. You can support a musician as an individual, or you might like to form a syndicate with your friends and family. Chair Patron support starts from $5,000 per annum and donations are fully tax-deductible.
Visit Meet the TSO to see our musicians and their Chair Patrons.
John Cauchi AM & Catherine Walker
Anne & Don Challen AM
Dr Joanna de Burgh
Penny Le Couteur & Greg Dickson
Jane Drexler
Rob & Tricia Greenwell
David & Catherine Hamilton
Marie Heitz
In Memory of Ian Hicks
Patricia Leary
Ang Madden
Mountain Air Foundation
R H O'Connor
Andrew Parker & Caroline Sharpen
Chris & John Sandow
Dr Peter Stanton
Dr Hilary Wallace
Anonymous (2)
Cath Adams & Steve Craft
Damian Bugg AM & Jenny Bugg
David & Elizabeth de Burgh
Marc & Susan Duldig
Richard & Harriett England
Emeritus Prof Andrew & Dr Odile Glenn
Elizabeth Haworth & John Diment
Mr Don Kay
Belinda Kendall-White
Suzanne Kirkham
John Langford
Diane Matthews
Anthony J McGee AM
Louise & Tim Mooney AM
Bruce Neill & Penny Clive
Bill Oakley OAM
Jan & Alan Rees
Dr David & Mrs Glenys Rich
Dr John & Mrs Barbara Roberts
James and Jacqueline Roberts-Thomson
Rotary Satellite Club of Sandy Bay, Battery Point
Margaret Sharpen
Dr Di Stow
Michelle Warren
Deirdre & Trevor Wise
Anonymous (3)
Andrew Bennett
Suzanne & Martin Betts
Peter Brooks
Elizabeth Bugg
Janet Carding
George & Jan Casimaty
Dr Josh & Wendy Cocker
Prof Mike Coffin
Beth Coombe
Stephanie Cooper
Simon Coultas
Vicki Cowles & Josef Neuschwanger
Prof Stephen Crump
David Davey & Annick Ansselin
Roger Fisher
TJ Foster
Giameos Constructions & Developments
Dr Donald Hempton
Peter & Jeanne Hepburn
Janet Holmes à Court AC
Dr David & Donna Humphries
Don & Christine Jeffrey
Prof Matthew Jose
Paavo Jumppanen
Veronica Keach
Judith Ker
Betty Kuhl
Harvey Lennon
David Lloyd
Marilla Lowe
Linda & Martin Luther
Dr Katherine Marsden
Maggie McKerracher
Dominic McNamara
Caryl McQuestin
Sarah Morrisby
Alison Nadebaum
Jan Nicholas
Sindi O'Hara & Peter Pickett
Alison E Parsons
Helen Ross & Margaret Whiteside
Margaret Sallis
Deirdre Schoe
Dr Johannes Schonborn
Jenny Scott
Dick & Sue Shoobridge
Christopher Spiegel
Tony Stacey AM & Mrs Jeanette Stacey
In memory of Jo St Leon
Janet Tomlinson
Rowland Turner
Frances Underwood
John Usher OAM
Hank & Elizabeth van Herk
Kim Waldock
Jacqui Walkden
Dr Michael Wilkinson
Jane Zimmerman
Anonymous (10)
Simon Allston & Janeil Hall
Kim Boyer
Dr Nicholas Brodie
Jill Burbury
Jenny & Ian Burleigh
Victoria Burley
Roger Carrington
Dr Helen Chick
Gail Cork
Janet Crane
Amy Crosby
Jane Edmanson OAM
Ms Gail Friesen
Furneaux Arts Committee
Ms Keri Handley & Mr Frank Martin
Dr Brita Hansen & Frank Halley
Susie Harrison
Susan Hawick AM
Shirley Honeysett
Peter Hordern
Ross Kelly
Richard & Julia Metcalf
Margret Monks
Gisele O'Byrne AM
Tony Purdon
Rotary Club of Sandy Bay
Dr Tanya Stephens
Priscilla Travers
Jeanette Tremayne
Judith and Rod Tudball
Residents of Vaucluse Gardens
Judith Waldock
Jane Wilcox
Polly Woods
Dr Rosemary Yeoland
Anonymous (9)
Trevor & Barbara Abbott
Michael Alchin
Chris Andrews & Jill-Maree Geeves
Jennifer Andrews
May Backhouse
Dennis Bewsher
Jacqui Blowfield
Dixie Brodribb
Deborah Brook
Dobson Mitchell & Allport Lawyers
Sonia Finlay & John Millwood
John Heathcote & Mary Feeley
Sharron Hewer
Ann Hopkins
Peter Jarvis & Ans van Heijster
Louise Klein
William Lo
Sandra Michael
Jane Monaghan
Clare Morrisby
Dr Robyn Munro
Meriel Owen
Leone Paget
Dr Vicki Passlow
Ian Preston
James Puustinen
John Sexton
Elaine Tack
Grant & Elizabeth Taylor
Diane & Neville Truskett
Julian Type
Anonymous (11)
Rose Addison
Jo Aldridge
Ali Allfree
Rev P & Mrs S Astley-Bogg
Leon & Lorraine Atkinson-MacEwen
Heather Aubert
Antony Ault
Gavan Barber
Catherine Barta
Mr D & Mrs J Benjamin
Susan Black
Iluna Bluewater
Robert and Lisa Brodribb
Anne Brown OAM
Alan & Jan Butler
Judith Butler
Hilary Cane
John & Marilyn Canterford
Heather Cartledge
Ian Chambers & Kathryn Arneman
Heather & Christopher Chong
Pete Ciaschini
Sue Clarke
Thomas & Anne Clarke
Christine Coombe
Heather Cosgriff
Peter & Doris Cranswick
Elizabeth Crick
Veronica Darby
Sieglind D'Arcy
Sonia De Courcy
Margaret Deguara
Elizabeth Delaney
Shirani de Mel
Tony & Kate Dell
Robin Direen
Mynie Donohue
Tom & Pauline Dorey
Elizabeth Eden
Jennifer Ettershank
Klaus Felsche
Jill Finch
Bronwyn Fitzgerald & Guy Bylsma
Anita & Peter Flueckiger
Bernadette Flynn-Whitehall
Louise Foley
Glenn & Janice Forbes
Ferdie Foster
Pauline Foster
Peter & Sally Fowler
Graeme & Jane Frazer
John & Jill Freeman
Susan Friend
Lorene Furmage
Sari Goddam
Jane Giblin
Lynn & Richard Giddings
Barbara Jane Gilby
Joanna Goudie
Kate Greenhill
Judith Grieve
Jennifer Grose
Helen Halliday
Dr Brita Hansen
Ian Hargreaves
Rosemary Harle
Dr Geoffrey Haward AM
David & Shelley Hayton
Dr Jody Heald AM
Ian & Sandra Heard
Dawn Hendrick
Susan Hesington
Nicholas Heyward
Robin & Anne Holyman
Jane Hudspeth
Dr John Humble
Judy & Alan Hyndes
Amy Jackett
Prof Peter Jarman & Margaret Brock
Jennifer Judd
John & Connie Kay
Marie Keane
Ann Kelly
Sumeena Keshow
Julie & David Kirk
Patricia Kirk
Ross & Catherine Kirkman
Barbara Kissling
Peter & Sue Klausen
Sue Kremer
Adriana Law
Elaine Lawrence
Janine Leake
Peter & Pam Lechte
Ted Lefroy
Siobhan Lenihan
Suzanne & Stuart Lester
Chris & Dot Lloyd-Bostock
David Lord
June Lory
Gek Low
Lana Mack
Kate Mackie
John & Hazel Maddox
Mary Ellen in memory of Kerensa
Rose & Thomas Marwick
Leanne McDougall & Robin Smith
Anthony J McGee AM
Mary McIlhenny
Maggie McKerracher
Andrew McKinney
Danielle McPhail
Graeme McShane
Senator Christine Milne
Jane Monaghan
Karen & Paul Montague
Leon & Susan Morrell
Mr Ian Morrey
Mrs Anne Moulden
Philippa Moyes
Helen Mueller
Ellen Naef
Anthony Newman
Angela Nichols
The Nichols Family
Lyn Nicholson
Pamela Nicholson
David Nissen
Jenny Osborne
Sally Pace
Sister Carrie Page
Michelle Paine
Judith Palmer
Phillip Patman
Glen Pears
Ivan & Deirdre Pearson
Martin & Sally Poole
Valerie Poxon
Shefali Pryor
Possum & Chunky Pyne
Ikram Queshi & Alison Ratcliff
David Ratcliff
Chris Rathbone
Jennifer & John Reid
Kerstin Reimers
Thomas & Caroline Remenyi
The Roach Family
Kay Rodda
Chloe Roe
PJ & EA Rogers
Jean Ross
Dr A & Carol Samuelson John & Janet Sands
David Shaw
Margaret Skowronski
Diane Smith
Esther Smith
Dr Liza Snow
Elizabeth & Don Sorensen
Amanda Stark & Millard Ziegler
Dr Susan Steiner
Paul Stockwin
Victoria Sutton
Peter Talbot & Lois Beckwith
Grant Taylor
Jean Taylor
John & Regula Tisch
Dr L Toiviainen
Diane Truskett
Alison Turnure
Dr Michael & Di Vertigan
Peter Viney
Elena Vito
Mrs Louise Voss
Geoff Walker
Hilary Wall
Anne Warby
Graham Wardle
The Hon Kate Warner AM & Mr Richard Warner
The Hon Kate Warner AM & Mr Richard Warner
Jen Warren
Kathlyn & John Wheatley
Geoff & Vicki Willis
Christine Wilson
M Wilson & G Wilson
Pamela Windsor BA
Linden Wood
Graeme Young & Karen McDiarmid
Gillian Zacks
Anonymous (51)
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